Everyone is stressed out and everyone can benefit from a great massage. Sometimes the muscles can physically get locked up and you’ll feel it all throughout your body. Just small repetitive daily physical actions like sitting at a computer, talking on the phone, driving in traffic, sitting in meetings or typing on laptops can trigger painful reactions within your body. Sometimes you need to physically get your muscles rubbed down with a professional massage therapist. There are different techniques so I’ll customize it towards your specific needs.
Call for a free consultation: 214-642-8941 or Email: HajiiOtto@aol.com. Flexible hours.
Credit cards accepted.
Office location medical office in Grapevine -Colleyville-Southlake: Dallas-Fort Worth Texas area. In-home massage available, ask for details.
- Deep tissue massage Pressure Level 5
- Chronic issues massage Pressure Level 1-5
- Medical massage Pressure Level 1-5
- Sports massage Pressure Level 3-5
- Swedish massage Pressure Level 1-3
- Pregnancy massage Pressure Level 1-2